EveryWay.org is
1. an Eternal Science of Freedom of Religion,
2. a science of the U.S. Bill of Rights (The Bill of Rights: A Transcription | National Archives),
3. and a science of the United Nations Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights | United Nations).
Everyway.org is an Eternal Science of Freedom of Religion, the U.S. Bill of Rights(The Bill of Rights: A Transcription | National Archives), and the United Nations Human Rights(Universal Declaration of Human Rights | United Nations).
Racial, human sexuality and gender equality implies relative racial, human sexuality and gender equality where the treatment of different races, different human sexualities and different genders are equal in the effect of happiness, fairness, and well-being.
Our core ethics are from the Scientology Handbook, the Bible's 10 Commandments, and the pledge allegiance.
Our core ethics is to promote correcting anti-survival activities to pro-survival activities using the Scientology's 8 dynamics(The Dynamics of Life - Scientology Handbook- https://www.scientologyhandbook.org/dynamics/sh2.htm) of overt and withholds(Overt Acts and Withholds (scientologycourses.org)https://www.scientologyhandbook.org/integrity/sh9.htm) P.T.S. handling(How to Handle a Potential Trouble Source - Scientology Handbook)with parapsychology racial, human sexuality and gender equality interpretation of the 7th and 8th dynamics, and correcting anti-social activities to social activities by increasing your "Ethics and Conditions" in "Overcoming the Ups and Downs in Life" with 2-person marriages and 3-person marriages and/or temporary marriages and permanent marriages interpretation of the 10 commandments and the 12 apostle racial, gender, and human sexuality equality social personalities. Corrupted reporters, politicians, police, and doctors trash social media news as a mental illness. Their corruption has deprived me of proper privacy, freedom of religion, the right to get paid while working, and has possibly committed covert murders with lies, espionage and theft. I am reporting this to mitigate the crimes being committed against me from having my records stolen with identity theft. The blindly religious people tend to attack interfaith and interracial families to "save" them or blindly enslave, murder, castrate, and steal from them. The blindly religious people kidnap your children and teach your children to castrate themselves. Blind eugenicists will put people through hell. Those people deprive you of home-ownership income and steal from the place that you believe you reside at by bringing in people to steal your belongings and identity. I am tired of being blamed for a crime that is being committed against me through identity theft and COVID19 delays. Black and brown men are being played against each other using homelessness possibly. I trust single-parenting without abortions more than I trust monogamous marriages with abortions, because I was born. Through privacy deprivation monogamous marriages treat you like your existence is a crime. Homosexual monogamous marriages appears to be kidnapping children from fathers because we haven't legalized 3-person marriages in some nations. On top of that, if you are in a different religion then some people who are taking care of your family, those religious people, tend to experiment on your family because they believe you are taking the whole society to hell. I still have a difficult time distinguishing different religions from each other sometimes; same with different races. Am I being desperately mocked like my existence is a financial and emotional burden to our society by being blacklisted from living wage employment opportunities? Or am I just supposed to do my own business and never have the right to work for our government unless it is less than a living wage? Why am I being coerced into homelessness with illegal bargaining? Falsifying mental illnesses through COVID19 delays in order to deprive people of home-ownership income can ruin many nations. I'd would rather that 3-person marriages was legalized and homosexual marriages was still illegal that way much of my family may have survived. Besides without 3-person marriages homosexuality seems like a cruel lie to me because I can't imagine having sex without a female who wants to feel herself getting pregnant. I am not attracted to the same gender as me. I am attracted to the differences of diversity in race but not in species. Odd circumstances such as early widowed spouses require an odd number of people to get married to each other. Strictly homosexual relationships are potentially teaching brown and white interracial marriages and black and brown interracial marriages to fight with each other for being too diverse. Strictly heterosexual relationships are potentially teaching same-race marriages to fight with each other for not being diverse enough. Rest in peace family.
People may not understand that massage therapy services without one-on-one dating and double-dating services and one-on-one dating services and double-dating services without massage therapy services may be a covert crime of prostitution. Massage therapy while dating can help you determine better whether you are matching with someone or is it only physical attraction. Fair regulations would have these services of massage therapy, one-on-one dating, and double-dating combined every month for a reasonable monthly fee in which you may always use this service with your lifelong partner(s). Medical insurance accepted. Medicaid should cover annual doctor check-ups and monthly massage therapy check-ups. The finger massage rosary, ring massage rosary, and bead massage rosary with the 5 major organs of the body of Christ within brings reason and religion together.
To complete an ethics and conditions write-up for people who also are involved with interracial or different-racial marriages and families with specifically agnostic, Christian, and Scientology backgrounds, I am writing that there are types of people who are easier to connect with and there are types of suppressive people who are easier to disconnect with. It is easier to connect with affinity, reality, and communication to individuals who agree to being more specific in interpreting the 7th and 8th dynamics of existence and the 3rd precept of the Way to Happiness of Scientology and also being more specific in interpreting immaculate conception breeding and trinity breeding(2 spouses; one to increase lifespan the other to increase birthrate) of Christianity in a way that allows for more interracial or different-racial double-dating and 3-person marriages possible legality by having desegregation housing and income from suppressive monogamy-only extremists racists breeding segregation of each of the "brown, black, and white" races. Concepts of and interpretations of "Fair Game" and "Squirreling" from Scientology can cause an effect on how well interracial or different-racial families can survive. I've written some of this before and because I didn't have an editor so I had to take these writings down and use the uncertainty principle of physics to write this again while people who were spying on me used the information for and against me. Acknowledging that some things are uncertain because there are infinite possibilities creates more accuracy.
Our organization is anti-eugenics and anti-psychiatric drug abuse, so, with that in mind, please take a moment of silence to remember those people we have lost to the abuse from eugenics and psychiatric drug exploitations. I had started writing some of this before, but it was stolen when someone came into my home while I was asleep and took my USB flash drive back when I first started to call the police and F.B.I. to report suspicious activities. Some people seem to get offended or jealous unexpectedly. An honest "psychiatrist" is also an organic mostly raw vegan dietician and gardener. Some people don't really believe in freedom of religion, they are just programed to go around harassing people financially and emotionally until they are convinced that they somehow they've converted someone into believing in the same religion that they think they believe in or not to believe in religion at all. Unfortunately it is possible that illegal monopolies usually from the food and drug industries may have used psychiatry and Scientology, spied on me and my family to mock me and some members of my family as suicidal mentally ill criminals, but we are not suicidal mentally ill criminals. Since Scientology has the ethics in place for corrections they are easier to trust. It is easier to correct mistakes that I didn't make than to be continuously blamed for mistakes that I didn't make. It is easier when the people that made the mistake correct the mistake though because they have the information that I don't have. Sometimes it is too hard to just work-around some of these mistakes. For example, it may take 3 or 4 weeks to cure a disease like diabetes at a fasting health resort and that may be easier for some people than to take medications for their disease for the rest of their life. Our life expectancy is probably higher when we cure diseases and mitigate illegal monopolies. Each nation probably has a different definition of what an illegal monopoly is. Some nations may care for racial, gender, one-on-one dating, double-dating, marriage and sexuality equality when defining what an illegal monopoly is or isn't. This website may have more information on this activity: "NATO and the United Nations (UN) share a commitment to maintaining international peace and security." Sometimes different religions can be intimidating and make you feel like you have to pretend that you are suicidal and needed to join their religion so that they won't kill you and call you a suicide. Then again, maybe there are some suicidal people. I made an ethical arrangement of some well-known religious beliefs to mitigate suicidal behavior and unethical behavior. I hope that helps, and if it doesn't this religious arrangement will let you have a voice to let us know. We will try to accommodate by addressing the different debts, mistakes, sins, and trespasses with adjustments in housing, one-on-one dating, double-dating, and marriages so that we may appreciate each other better. All employment, education, businesses, and families at one point or another involve housing, one-on-one dating, double-dating, or marriage. It is not suicide to be willing to die fighting for the belief that our nations and planet can achieve racial, gender, and sexuality relative equality. For some reason there is a tendency for people to believe that they can get rid of 4-person or 3-person marriages whether this is true or not doesn't change the fact that we need to achieve racial, gender and sexuality relative equality. When different people want change for their race, gender, or sexuality they tend to forget that some things need to stay the same for other things to change and this may be the case for 3-person and 4-person marriages.
We are recognizing and promoting 12 days for racial, gender and human sexuality equality at the beginning of the month with the pledge allegiance to the U.S.A. Flag with Biblical racial, gender, and human sexuality equality interpretation because there is a standard of what a religion is and what it isn't embedded in the pledge allegiance and living wage ethical indicators through investigations of ethics and conditions where when someone strives to make less than half a living wage or more than 4 times a living wage it is probably due to a reduction in ethics because of failure to hire and unethically making money off of espionage based interviews, education and housing. Although exceptions to that assumption could be that if you are making less than half a living wage it is because there is another form of life-force currency [Uncontacted peoples - Wikipedia https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/state-directory https://www.usa.gov/rental-housing-programs] and if you are making more than 4, 5 or 6 times a living wage it could be because of the need to form a national government [SpaceX.com on the planet Mars, return on investment? https://youtu.be/3Jgev_YGl44?si=81ETEzJAp6NcXzd0 Dollywood or Walmart (https://fb.watch/v4iW1DxWwN/) on natural disasters, and Environment Attorneys on the Usda.gov https://youtu.be/JoA5NDXkQ7k?si=fCpj-ATIkeObJVCG https://youtu.be/548VZHaB_Tk?si=D43uS4Q9j3LpIn7l Another example is companies like Blue Origin, SpaceX, and Venus Project, need an exceptional amount of income above the living wage to build an island in the ocean that houses submarines that can orbit the earth in space and eventually mars. Those 3 companies can represent the tech for 3 branches of a democracy within the United Nations; executive, judicial, and legislative. Income equality capitalism, monopoly capitalism, and resource-based economy are possible solutions to the problem of illegal monopolies and homelessness. Mostly likely income equality capitalism is the most practical solution. ] Check with your college's career center on this though.
We are possibly recognizing 3 days for crossdresser's identity at the end of the month, because:
Repeated from another of my posts on my Facebook page at http://JasonFitzgerald.info: "....I see a possible correlation to the Old Testament of the Holy Bible in the Adam and Eve possibly being conjoined twins joined at the rib and a parallel earth "conjoined" with its orbiting moon; another possible correlation to the New Testament of the Holy Bible Immaculate Conception of Jesus from a possible Intersex Mother Mary and a parallel earth similar to Venus with no moons(also the Book of Wisdom(Catholic Old Testament https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helena,_mother_of_Constantine_I) Chpt1 verse1-7 where both verse 1 and 7 is the intersex of the past and future possible Jesus Christ and the verses 2 through 6 represent possible conjoined twins or conjoined intersex triplets Angels(message of the 3 angels?); another possible correlation with the [Book of Mormon] Quran and Tao Te Ching with conjoined intersex triplets and a parallel earth similar to mars with 2 moons, but I could just be reading into things. "
also because:
Repeated from another of my posts on my Facebook page :
"The interfaith variety is partly due to my faith in Agnosticism with the definition of "human reason is incapable of providing sufficient rational grounds to justify either the belief that God exists or the belief that God does not exist." -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnosticism
Infinity and the eternal God is, by nature, irrational."
I disagree with some of the definitions for the word "Agnosticism" because those definition make it appear that it is a way to offend some religious people but I look at Agnosticism as a way to discover different possible truths.
More specifically, this is an eternal science of freedom of religion, freedom of religion with agnosticism, and freedom of religious atheism. At times I notice that people expect me to choose which religion to believe in and try to make it appear that I haven't made a decision by claiming that I can't believe in both of 2 or 3 different religions. That feels like to me that you are saying that you can't be a part of the United States and the United Nations.
"Planning for the Future": https://www.scientologyhandbook.org/targets/sh17_1.htm
"Writers of the Future": https://writersofthefuture.com/
Links to Classic Science Fiction, Science Mystery, or Speculative Fiction Writers:
In some parallel reality religious leaders have to be scientific leaders and scientific leaders have to be religious leaders or they are disqualified.
Join our Facebook Group EveryWay.org Northern Delaware Meet and Greet Toastmasters Speech, MUFON if you have more questions(https://www.facebook.com/groups/302164577093629)
There are more details in the sections below.
Racial, human sexuality and gender equality implies relative racial, human sexuality and gender equality where the treatment of different races, different human sexualities and different genders are equal in the effect of happiness, fairness, and well-being.
Our core ethics are from the Scientology Handbook, the Bible's 10 Commandments, and the pledge allegiance.
Our core ethics is to promote correcting anti-survival activities to pro-survival activities using the Scientology's 8 dynamics(The Dynamics of Life - Scientology Handbook- https://www.scientologyhandbook.org/dynamics/sh2.htm) of overt and withholds(Overt Acts and Withholds (scientologycourses.org)https://www.scientologyhandbook.org/integrity/sh9.htm) P.T.S. handling(How to Handle a Potential Trouble Source - Scientology Handbook)with parapsychology racial, human sexuality and gender equality interpretation of the 7th and 8th dynamics, and correcting anti-social activities to social activities by increasing your "Ethics and Conditions" in "Overcoming the Ups and Downs in Life" with 2-person marriages and 3-person marriages and/or temporary marriages and permanent marriages interpretation of the 10 commandments and the 12 apostle racial, gender, and human sexuality equality social personalities. Corrupted reporters, politicians, police, and doctors trash social media news as a mental illness. Their corruption has deprived me of proper privacy, freedom of religion, the right to get paid while working, and has possibly committed covert murders with lies, espionage and theft. I am reporting this to mitigate the crimes being committed against me from having my records stolen with identity theft. The blindly religious people tend to attack interfaith and interracial families to "save" them or blindly enslave, murder, castrate, and steal from them. The blindly religious people kidnap your children and teach your children to castrate themselves. Blind eugenicists will put people through hell. Those people deprive you of home-ownership income and steal from the place that you believe you reside at by bringing in people to steal your belongings and identity. I am tired of being blamed for a crime that is being committed against me through identity theft and COVID19 delays. Black and brown men are being played against each other using homelessness possibly. I trust single-parenting without abortions more than I trust monogamous marriages with abortions, because I was born. Through privacy deprivation monogamous marriages treat you like your existence is a crime. Homosexual monogamous marriages appears to be kidnapping children from fathers because we haven't legalized 3-person marriages in some nations. On top of that, if you are in a different religion then some people who are taking care of your family, those religious people, tend to experiment on your family because they believe you are taking the whole society to hell. I still have a difficult time distinguishing different religions from each other sometimes; same with different races. Am I being desperately mocked like my existence is a financial and emotional burden to our society by being blacklisted from living wage employment opportunities? Or am I just supposed to do my own business and never have the right to work for our government unless it is less than a living wage? Why am I being coerced into homelessness with illegal bargaining? Falsifying mental illnesses through COVID19 delays in order to deprive people of home-ownership income can ruin many nations. I'd would rather that 3-person marriages was legalized and homosexual marriages was still illegal that way much of my family may have survived. Besides without 3-person marriages homosexuality seems like a cruel lie to me because I can't imagine having sex without a female who wants to feel herself getting pregnant. I am not attracted to the same gender as me. I am attracted to the differences of diversity in race but not in species. Odd circumstances such as early widowed spouses require an odd number of people to get married to each other. Strictly homosexual relationships are potentially teaching brown and white interracial marriages and black and brown interracial marriages to fight with each other for being too diverse. Strictly heterosexual relationships are potentially teaching same-race marriages to fight with each other for not being diverse enough. Rest in peace family.
People may not understand that massage therapy services without one-on-one dating and double-dating services and one-on-one dating services and double-dating services without massage therapy services may be a covert crime of prostitution. Massage therapy while dating can help you determine better whether you are matching with someone or is it only physical attraction. Fair regulations would have these services of massage therapy, one-on-one dating, and double-dating combined every month for a reasonable monthly fee in which you may always use this service with your lifelong partner(s). Medical insurance accepted. Medicaid should cover annual doctor check-ups and monthly massage therapy check-ups. The finger massage rosary, ring massage rosary, and bead massage rosary with the 5 major organs of the body of Christ within brings reason and religion together.
To complete an ethics and conditions write-up for people who also are involved with interracial or different-racial marriages and families with specifically agnostic, Christian, and Scientology backgrounds, I am writing that there are types of people who are easier to connect with and there are types of suppressive people who are easier to disconnect with. It is easier to connect with affinity, reality, and communication to individuals who agree to being more specific in interpreting the 7th and 8th dynamics of existence and the 3rd precept of the Way to Happiness of Scientology and also being more specific in interpreting immaculate conception breeding and trinity breeding(2 spouses; one to increase lifespan the other to increase birthrate) of Christianity in a way that allows for more interracial or different-racial double-dating and 3-person marriages possible legality by having desegregation housing and income from suppressive monogamy-only extremists racists breeding segregation of each of the "brown, black, and white" races. Concepts of and interpretations of "Fair Game" and "Squirreling" from Scientology can cause an effect on how well interracial or different-racial families can survive. I've written some of this before and because I didn't have an editor so I had to take these writings down and use the uncertainty principle of physics to write this again while people who were spying on me used the information for and against me. Acknowledging that some things are uncertain because there are infinite possibilities creates more accuracy.
Our organization is anti-eugenics and anti-psychiatric drug abuse, so, with that in mind, please take a moment of silence to remember those people we have lost to the abuse from eugenics and psychiatric drug exploitations. I had started writing some of this before, but it was stolen when someone came into my home while I was asleep and took my USB flash drive back when I first started to call the police and F.B.I. to report suspicious activities. Some people seem to get offended or jealous unexpectedly. An honest "psychiatrist" is also an organic mostly raw vegan dietician and gardener. Some people don't really believe in freedom of religion, they are just programed to go around harassing people financially and emotionally until they are convinced that they somehow they've converted someone into believing in the same religion that they think they believe in or not to believe in religion at all. Unfortunately it is possible that illegal monopolies usually from the food and drug industries may have used psychiatry and Scientology, spied on me and my family to mock me and some members of my family as suicidal mentally ill criminals, but we are not suicidal mentally ill criminals. Since Scientology has the ethics in place for corrections they are easier to trust. It is easier to correct mistakes that I didn't make than to be continuously blamed for mistakes that I didn't make. It is easier when the people that made the mistake correct the mistake though because they have the information that I don't have. Sometimes it is too hard to just work-around some of these mistakes. For example, it may take 3 or 4 weeks to cure a disease like diabetes at a fasting health resort and that may be easier for some people than to take medications for their disease for the rest of their life. Our life expectancy is probably higher when we cure diseases and mitigate illegal monopolies. Each nation probably has a different definition of what an illegal monopoly is. Some nations may care for racial, gender, one-on-one dating, double-dating, marriage and sexuality equality when defining what an illegal monopoly is or isn't. This website may have more information on this activity: "NATO and the United Nations (UN) share a commitment to maintaining international peace and security." Sometimes different religions can be intimidating and make you feel like you have to pretend that you are suicidal and needed to join their religion so that they won't kill you and call you a suicide. Then again, maybe there are some suicidal people. I made an ethical arrangement of some well-known religious beliefs to mitigate suicidal behavior and unethical behavior. I hope that helps, and if it doesn't this religious arrangement will let you have a voice to let us know. We will try to accommodate by addressing the different debts, mistakes, sins, and trespasses with adjustments in housing, one-on-one dating, double-dating, and marriages so that we may appreciate each other better. All employment, education, businesses, and families at one point or another involve housing, one-on-one dating, double-dating, or marriage. It is not suicide to be willing to die fighting for the belief that our nations and planet can achieve racial, gender, and sexuality relative equality. For some reason there is a tendency for people to believe that they can get rid of 4-person or 3-person marriages whether this is true or not doesn't change the fact that we need to achieve racial, gender and sexuality relative equality. When different people want change for their race, gender, or sexuality they tend to forget that some things need to stay the same for other things to change and this may be the case for 3-person and 4-person marriages.
We are recognizing and promoting 12 days for racial, gender and human sexuality equality at the beginning of the month with the pledge allegiance to the U.S.A. Flag with Biblical racial, gender, and human sexuality equality interpretation because there is a standard of what a religion is and what it isn't embedded in the pledge allegiance and living wage ethical indicators through investigations of ethics and conditions where when someone strives to make less than half a living wage or more than 4 times a living wage it is probably due to a reduction in ethics because of failure to hire and unethically making money off of espionage based interviews, education and housing. Although exceptions to that assumption could be that if you are making less than half a living wage it is because there is another form of life-force currency [Uncontacted peoples - Wikipedia https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/state-directory https://www.usa.gov/rental-housing-programs] and if you are making more than 4, 5 or 6 times a living wage it could be because of the need to form a national government [SpaceX.com on the planet Mars, return on investment? https://youtu.be/3Jgev_YGl44?si=81ETEzJAp6NcXzd0 Dollywood or Walmart (https://fb.watch/v4iW1DxWwN/) on natural disasters, and Environment Attorneys on the Usda.gov https://youtu.be/JoA5NDXkQ7k?si=fCpj-ATIkeObJVCG https://youtu.be/548VZHaB_Tk?si=D43uS4Q9j3LpIn7l Another example is companies like Blue Origin, SpaceX, and Venus Project, need an exceptional amount of income above the living wage to build an island in the ocean that houses submarines that can orbit the earth in space and eventually mars. Those 3 companies can represent the tech for 3 branches of a democracy within the United Nations; executive, judicial, and legislative. Income equality capitalism, monopoly capitalism, and resource-based economy are possible solutions to the problem of illegal monopolies and homelessness. Mostly likely income equality capitalism is the most practical solution. ] Check with your college's career center on this though.
We are possibly recognizing 3 days for crossdresser's identity at the end of the month, because:
Repeated from another of my posts on my Facebook page at http://JasonFitzgerald.info: "....I see a possible correlation to the Old Testament of the Holy Bible in the Adam and Eve possibly being conjoined twins joined at the rib and a parallel earth "conjoined" with its orbiting moon; another possible correlation to the New Testament of the Holy Bible Immaculate Conception of Jesus from a possible Intersex Mother Mary and a parallel earth similar to Venus with no moons(also the Book of Wisdom(Catholic Old Testament https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helena,_mother_of_Constantine_I) Chpt1 verse1-7 where both verse 1 and 7 is the intersex of the past and future possible Jesus Christ and the verses 2 through 6 represent possible conjoined twins or conjoined intersex triplets Angels(message of the 3 angels?); another possible correlation with the [Book of Mormon] Quran and Tao Te Ching with conjoined intersex triplets and a parallel earth similar to mars with 2 moons, but I could just be reading into things. "
also because:
Repeated from another of my posts on my Facebook page :
"The interfaith variety is partly due to my faith in Agnosticism with the definition of "human reason is incapable of providing sufficient rational grounds to justify either the belief that God exists or the belief that God does not exist." -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnosticism
Infinity and the eternal God is, by nature, irrational."
I disagree with some of the definitions for the word "Agnosticism" because those definition make it appear that it is a way to offend some religious people but I look at Agnosticism as a way to discover different possible truths.
More specifically, this is an eternal science of freedom of religion, freedom of religion with agnosticism, and freedom of religious atheism. At times I notice that people expect me to choose which religion to believe in and try to make it appear that I haven't made a decision by claiming that I can't believe in both of 2 or 3 different religions. That feels like to me that you are saying that you can't be a part of the United States and the United Nations.
"Planning for the Future": https://www.scientologyhandbook.org/targets/sh17_1.htm
"Writers of the Future": https://writersofthefuture.com/
Links to Classic Science Fiction, Science Mystery, or Speculative Fiction Writers:
In some parallel reality religious leaders have to be scientific leaders and scientific leaders have to be religious leaders or they are disqualified.
Join our Facebook Group EveryWay.org Northern Delaware Meet and Greet Toastmasters Speech, MUFON if you have more questions(https://www.facebook.com/groups/302164577093629)
There are more details in the sections below.
Below is a video of one of my over-complicated or "advanced" variations on basketball, foursquare, and tetherball. Since then, I have made more simpler variations on basketball, foursquare, and tetherball.
The simpler variations on basketball, foursquare, and tetherball correspond to the parapsychology racial equality interpretations of the 7th and 8th dynamics of existence. Because of the seemingly unnecessary or wrongful deaths in the law enforcement and medical fields I saw the need to be more specific with the 7th and 8th Dynamics of Existence for law enforcement and medical malpractice attorneys purposes.
I have repeated some of what I wrote on my Facebook page at http://JasonFitzgerald.info to explain this.
"Most likely below is the classifications of the Holy Trinity [and the parapsychology racial equality interpretation of the 7th and 8th dynamic of existence] using parapsychology( https://www.parapsych.org/base/about.aspx )
Telekinesis or psychokinesis is the Divine Mother. Robots and Artificial Intelligence.
Clairvoyance/psychokinesis or time travel is the Divine Father. Robots and Artificial Intelligence.
Telepathy/psychic healing is the Divine Son. Cyborg and Bionic Technology.
Psychokinesis/psychic healing or shapeshifting is the Divine Daughter. Cyborg and Bionic Technology.
Remote viewing/psychic healing or "fountain of youth shield chi kung" is the "iron shirt" Divine Will. Genetically Modified Organisms and Cloning.
Remote viewing/psychokinesis or teleportation is the Holy Spirit "travel." Genetically Modified Organisms and Cloning.
There is also a more specific part of the Spirit 7th Dynamic of Existence in Scientology that includes caring for a trinity of disabled peoples of blind, deaf, and mute and their less specific subcategories; also caring for a trinity of "black, white, and brown" peoples and their less specific subcategories; also caring for a trinity of "male, female, and intersex" peoples and their less specific subcategories; also caring for a trinity of "heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual" peoples and their less specific subcategories; also caring for a trinity of "singles/double-dating, 2-person marriages, and 3-person marriages" peoples and their less specific subcategories."
A bing.com co-pilot response to the question, "Did L. Ron Hubbard study psychology?":
"He claimed to have studied Freudian psychoanalysis under Naval Commander Joseph C. Thompson, who had studied under Sigmund Freud1. Hubbard’s work, particularly his book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, was heavily influenced by psychological concepts, although he later developed his own theories that diverged significantly from mainstream psychology."
Bing.com would not give me the Scientology New Era or Bridge Publications for me to purchase Scientology Jewelry when I searched for the Scientology Sterling Silver Cross Pendant. Google.com does.
I believed that L. Ron Hubbard created a more ethical approach to mental health.
Here is more of my writings describing possible ethical zoning requirements from my Facebook page:
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands [both same-racial and different-racial marriages(Rev 14:9–11)], one nation [both same-gender and different-gender marriages(Rev 14:8)], under God [both 3-person and 2-person marriages and/or both temporary and permanent marriages(Rev 14:6–7)], indivisible [desegregation zone housing(Rev 3:14–21)], with liberty and justice for all. "
"Another stable datum for a nation that has freedom of religion and freedom of social sciences could be that the social science or religion has to conform to the standard that both same-racial and different-racial marriages(Rev 14:9–11), both same-gender and different-gender marriages(Rev 14:8), and both 3-person and 2-person marriages and/or both temporary and permanent marriages(Rev 14:6–7) have to be recognized within the so-called social science or religion including having desegregation zone housing(Rev 3:14–21) when one race is overpopulated by another race so as to create racial equality rather than racial inequality otherwise that social science or religion cannot be legally recognized by the nation as a religion or a social science. I wasn't really confident with this stable datum at first, so I wrote this before then took it down, but after all that has happened this stable datum appears to be true."
Repeated from another of my posts:
"The infinite human breeding pattern could also be a trinity of cycles throughout infinite time where a human is cloned or immaculately conceived and that is the dominant reality(https://www.google.com/search?q=Spiritual+celibacy) where other ways of human conception is shunned; another trinity cycle where a human is conceived of a man and a woman and that is the dominant reality(https://www.google.com/search?q=Spiritual+monogamy) where other ways of human conception is shunned; lastly a trinity cycle where a human is conceived and adopted with 3 people and that is the dominant reality(https://www.google.com/search?q=Spiritual+polygamy
https://www.bing.com/chat?q=spirtual%20polyandry...) where other ways of human conception is shunned.
There also could be 4-,5-, or 6-person humans/angels that conceive humans infinitely while guarding over us and guiding us to an infinite ocean of love, mercy, and Christ humanity.
Spiritual Celibacy Toastmasters groups?
Spiritual 2-person marriages Toastmasters groups?
Spiritual 3-person polygamy Toastmasters groups?"
[Making breeding innocence appear as an "inferior" crime is a confusing and heartbreaking genocide. ("Heartbeat drum song")]
I need to revise that to correspond with the Toastmaster roles: https://www.toastmasters.org/membership/club-meeting-roles
where there are 3 main types of Toastmasters groups:
1. Spiritual Celibacy Toastmasters groups.
2. Spiritual one-on-one dating groups.
2. Spiritual double-dating groups.
Repeated from another of my Facebook posts:
"There is an introductory type of Toastmasters organization that can be created to aid in the communication within different Churches and religious organization for deciding whether you want to be single, married, or just dating. Once that decision has been made then you can go to 3 other types of Toastmasters organization:
1. Single only Toastmasters groups.
2. Just dating only Toastmasters groups.
a. one-on-one dating only.
b. double-dating only.
c. both double-dating and one-on-one-dating.
3. Married only Toastmasters groups.
a. temporary marriages only.
b. permanent marriages only.
c. both permanent and temporary marriages.
Although, ScientologyHandbook.org courses and WritersoftheFuture.com may be better suited for people who have a strong dislike for public speaking but would be willing to write for the Toastmasters groups because you don't already have to be a good public speaker in order to be valued in this country. Besides, it is possible that Scientology may have some type of scholarship or work-study that where the courses are free even in-person because they are already free online. [When public speaking involves humor we all tend to run into a chasm of sarcasm. The chasm of sarcasm probably needs to be written down first so that we can evaluate how serious it is, how devoid of seriousness it is, and how it is a little of both because we don't want to offend people beyond our ability to relate with each other. You can't please everyone. I am offended by people gaslighting, stealing, spying and lying. I would hope that other people are offended by that too, because I want be around people who care about both me and their survival. Do police officers wear bullet proof vests and helmets with bullet proof shields before they gun down an innocent person? More than one "brown" women may have been shot to try to get me to write this again or it may have just been a coincidence. Rest in peace. ]
This is a tour of an Eco Society on YouTube.com video link for http://play.eco and https://strangloopgames.com where the Toastmasters International -Find a Club can be developed through Zoom meetings. I can text you the zoom link on my Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/302164577093629/ where my phone number is in the description.
Return to Innocence: Enigma-return-to-innocence-lyrics
"Why can't they just have 3 different categories for race such as "Black," "White," and "Grey" and the 3 major variations within those categories? Maybe add language and location? Or maybe "[Dark]Brown," "Beige-Tan," and "Pale Peach" and the three hair and facial features straightness to curviness variations of them?"
For department of labor and census bureau of nations, most likely there are 4 categories of races:
Winter races of White and Northern Euro-Asian;
Autumn races of Brown and Middle Eastern Asian/Indian/Hispanic;
Summer races of Black and South Indian/Asian African;
Spring races of Undiscovered variations of above.
Most likely there are 4 categories of language and cultural histories:
Winter languages and culture of Europe, Arctica, and Antarctica;
- English
- French
- Spanish
- Italian
- Russian
- Dutch
- German
- Greek
- Portuguese
- Irish
- Latin
- Hebrew
- Arabic
- Others/Specify for accurate stats
- Arabic
- Mandarin Chinese/Taiwanese
- Japanese
- Cantonese
- Korean
- Filipino
- Thai
- Vietnamese
- English
- Aboriginal Australian
- Hindi
- Hebrew
- Others/Specify for accurate stats
- English
- French
- Native African
- Arabic
- Hebrew
- Greek
- Others/Specify for accurate stats
- American Indian
- English
- French
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- Others/Specify for accurate stats
There is no such thing as an "unknown" human race; it's more like undiscovered or unrecognized variations.
"A desegregation zoning map where there is room for different-racial breeding and/or marriages that is free from sexism and racism and free from unnecessary racial and gender discrimination could be a stable datum. See below.
This desegregation zone would be placed in each predominately "white' neighborhoods, predominately "black" neighborhoods, and predominately "grey"(Asian/Latino/Arab and half-black/half-white greyish mixed) neighborhoods based on population size and location ratios (that reflect racial population differences https://youtu.be/3LeEy32GcfQ?si=E8xNVmNDp1nnjtIQ). It does not have to be 100% accurate but it should be at least 80% accurate because sometimes 100% accuracy can be too extreme:
[Where travel time between zones, unemployment, inadequate employment, and living wage calculations determine the sizes of the zones]
[surrounding areas]
:::::::::::::::::::::mostly men [B] [2] [B] mostly women[surrounding areas]
mostly heterosexual [3] [1] | [1] [3]
------------------------------------|-------------------[surrounding areas]
mostly homosexual [3] [1] | [1] [3]
::::::::::::::::mostly men [B] [2] | [2] [B] mostly women[surrounding areas]
[surrounding areas]
Could our universe be fractal? https://youtu.be/tN_eNQFcv5E?si=F3VpcOUccJZdw_qK
Zoning Fractal (scroll to zoom in): https://app.sketchup.com/share/tc/northAmerica/GFXwyQ908Hg?stoken=etYRnnSlpHGAY0JX1rMlUumvuptoTFtPbwGOd4cf1rFRY1LIcfKajsGaKD4sK3Zl&source=web
True Cross https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_Cross
Holy Forever https://youtu.be/lu3-mAcJnV4?si=knOHPIAW8J193UE-
"[1]" means the location of single people (with an equal quantity of "black, white, and grey" people),
"[2]" means the location of monogamous marriages (of "black/grey," "white/grey," and "black/white" peoples),
"[3]" means the location of 3-person marriages(of "black/white/grey" peoples), and
"[B]" means the location of both 2-person and 3-person marriages with some same-racial marriages in equal quantity from each race("black, white, and grey" people) or more of the races that are not in the surrounding areas [or a combination of both](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045222).This means that China, South Africa(https://census.statssa.gov.za/#/statsbytheme), and India would all be different because of the racial and economic makeup of the surrounding areas. Their "D.E.I. (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) hires" may actual be white people in locations where there a very little advantages for white people. Language census could be more important than a racial census in some circumstances (https://www.statista.com/statistics/266808/the-most-spoken-languages-worldwide/). Gender? [In some parallel realities female religious leaders are mostly responsible for life expectancy growth with celibacy and 2-person marriages("Heart is a drum") relations promotion while male religious leaders are mostly responsible for birthrate growth with 3-person marriages("Heartbeat drum song") and double-dating relations promotion. Another parallel reality where humanity is mostly intersex and the religious leaders are mostly responsible for both life expectancy growth and birthrate growth with both 2-person and 3-person temporary marriages. In these parallel realities the current president of a nation is on the $3 and $30 dollar bill and the current vice-president of a nation is on the $2 and $20 bill of a national currency. Essentially, legalizing homosexual marriages without also legalizing 3-person marriage may have been an intentional or unintentional way of covertly murdering and wrongfully incriminating "black, brown, and white" parents and their "brown/tan" children. This is the "in order to increase our life expectancy you also have to increase the birthrate" paradox, so we had to infiltrate evil racist/sexist cults within different religions that changed the marriage laws to bring a new name to eugenics as the word "transgender" and exploiting the idea of having homosexual marriages legal without 3-person marriages also being legal. Since there is different degrees of sexism and racism we had to choose the most potentially lethal targets effecting our society. The fact that any race can be racist against each other was denied to make one race seem superior to another. The seasonal and weather patterns made one race appear superior to another because of the tools used to survive in a cold weather climate also could be used as weapons. Is it possible to be racist to white people? "reverse racism" Racism will effect races differently depending on the population size, financial and/or work agreement differences, hence the ideas of racial slavery and mastery. The only mastery that the differences in races may have made is the adaptations of dark skin and light skin exposure to sunlight and the adaptations from curvy to straight hair and facial/body features exposure to wind from the different climates and seasons. Ideally, we would have one black-white-brown 3-person marriage for every "black" 3-person marriage, "white" 3-person marriage and "brown" 3-person marriage to perform legislative actions using racial and gender statistics to predict the birthrate and expand our lifespans and evenly balance the same-racial marriages with different-racial marriages. This is the legislative branch of democratic nations. News, social media, medical industry and law enforcement would immediately be notified of law changes that we have been freed from monogamy-only homosexual marriage racist laws that promote sexist and racist assassinations. The executive branch would follow the same pattern but with single-parents. The judicial branch would follow the same pattern but with 2-person marriages. Ideally, D.E.I.(Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) hires would be dependent upon location, home-ownership and wealth accumulation of any given demographic within an United Nations agreement. Uncontacted peoples can be studied and historical/religious references to race, gender, and marriage diversity can be studied to assess the behavior of racial, gender, and family structure diversity.
Some of our interracial and same-racial single-parent daughters and mothers would still be alive if they first introduced 3-person marriages and then kidnapped and poisoned homosexual marriages instead of vice-versa, better yet, make 3-person marriages and homosexual marriages legal. Instead of promoting homosexual slavery it would be better to promote strictly heterosexual 3-person marriages where "black, white, and brown" races are free from slavery. I don't understand why it is more important that legislative branch allows same-gender sex and less important than allowing heterosexual men to raise our women to care and share with other women from other races. WTF??! Dating websites, Bible studies and/or college studies, and Facebook are closer to the actual news of what people want in raising a family than anything else.
Another parallel reality could be that a dark "black" South African with a "white" wife and a "brown" wife moved to United States got his U.S. citizenship and did a joint venture on the Venus Project with the Mars and Moons projects and was a relatively rich person named Elon Black. Because one of Elon Black's wives' middle name was Mary, Elon Black changed his name to Elon Mary Black. Trump D.O.G.E. the bullet. The idea of making 3-person marriages legal could be a crime to some people, but if you don't make 3-person marriages legal than you don't really have a choice of who to marry. Violating someone's privacy all the time does not make you right.]
"[B]" can also mean the location of 4-, 5-, or 6-person dating with mostly different-racial relationships for 2 or 3 weeks, months or years although you may have to have some written child custody agreements beforehand in case of pregnancies. If you date only one person at a time than the more certain it is that you want to be in a 2-person marriage. If you date 5 people (book of John 4:1-40 https://www.google.com/search?q=Book+of+John+4%3A1-40 https://youtu.be/j8EnE60xPsU?si=fDw3IJdTIPpwAKR8 https://youtu.be/zzzERwB-oXw) at the same time than the more certain it is that you want to be in a 3-person marriage("You've Got A Friend").
"[B]" can also mean the locations you are staying at for 2 or 3 weeks to see if the relationships in those areas are a fit for you and it is much healthier for mental health professionals to prescribe temporary housing locations than it is to prescribe unnecessary psychiatric medication addictions."
"[surrounding areas]" [ could mean that, in this area there are 2-person and 3-person marriage zones spread out equally, but the farther away from the desegregation zone the less there are of 3-person marriages and the farther away from this area of no 3-person marriages the less there are of homosexual marriages and the farther away from this area of no homosexual marriages the less there are of interracial marriages and the farther away from this area of no interracial marriages the less there are of marriages that can be divorced and the farther away from this area of no marriages that can be divorced the less there are of interfaith marriages. This area consist of the races that are already are in a given nation of the United Nations. I may be being gaslighted and isolated to keep people from paying me to report the news. This is the predictably unpredictable houses of Sodom and Gomorrah. Sodom and Gomorrah could have been about homosexuality, heterosexuality, race, and slavery. It is possible that there was some imbalances in race, gender, sexuality, 2-person marriages, and 3-person marriages. Then again,
"[surrounding areas]" could mean 2-person and 3-person marriages continue to be legal, but the farther away from the desegregation zone the less there are of homosexual marriages in low population density areas for surrogate purposes from new younger inexperienced parents to older more experienced parents and/or homosexuals through voluntary adoptions or voluntary temporary adoptions within the children's cycles of growth spurts. Usually women parents specialized in newborn to 3-year-old children for breast feeding purposes and men parents specialized in 2-year-old to 9-year-old children for solid food and gardening purposes while both men and women parents specialized in 5-year-old to 24-year-old children for reproductive education and matchmaking. This is a "Triangle Dance" perimeter and houses of Jason. This area consist of the races that are already are in a given nation of the United Nations.
China and Italy have not legalized homosexual marriages coincidentally where the "COVID19" virus began. You can thank Doctor World Health Organization(aka Dr. W.H.O.) for COVID19. Is the COVID19 and unethical experiment on the United States? Maybe it was ethical in Dr. WHO's eyes? Dr. WHOs have determined that countries that have homosexual marriages legalized are more likely to respond to COVID19 type of pandemics...the global corporate stress test of the holiday season for warehouse workers or "where-is-your-house" workers. Feeling overwhelmed by corporate political food and drug psychiatry coincidentally. In order to conduct the experiment you can't have people believing that they can mix Christianity with Scientology. Christianity is a huge religion and Scientology doesn't believe in taking psychiatric medications which keeps the drug industry from money. The exploitation of believing that only 2-person marriages should be legal and not 3-person marriages is creating identity theft and false arrests and poisons that are being masked as "medications." Because of this there may be the need for an additional
"[surrounding areas]" to cater to 2-person marriage only supremacists. Either that or make an age requirement that you have to be 24 years old to be in a 3-person marriage and then make new versions of episodes of "Car 54 where are you." The point is that we shouldn't have to live with people who have negative preconceived notions about us and sabotage or murder our parents and children just to say "forget your point."]
"...have the women change their last name to the man's last name and the men change their middle name to the woman's middle name when getting in 2-person marriages with each other and combine names, vote for name, or make up new name when getting in 3-person marriages with each other while keeping with the idea that the women change their last names and the men change their middle names? The name that gives birth is the middle name because it is in a womb(https://youtu.be/NfL0u_3WK7c?si=qnj0JkIuLEdTO2TG) between the first and last names, but everyone sees the Mr. and Mrs. last names of the family(https://youtu.be/MXFklH5A4jA?si=R92a-unaqtiuWPES). "
In a parallel reality where 3-people married each other my name probably would have been Jason I.C. rather than Jason I.F. Then again, it could have been Jason L.C. or Jason G.C. in another parallel reality("I've Got a Name"). In a parallel reality I probably would be in a triple-dating wedding within "black, brown, and white" couples where our women would be in one pregnancy and natural born children in addition to us adopting 3 other children where we had a school to teach racial and gender equality using the similarities and differences of homosexuality, heterosexuality, 2-person, and 3-person marriages. Our internal organs that are closer to the sky and get more sun are representative of darker skinned variations of humanity and our internal organs that are closer to the ground represent lighter skinned variations of humanity. Our reproductive organs and pregnancy represent the circulation of our humanity between the different darker and lighter seasons, therefore there are 5 or 6 major internal organs. In this parallel reality men have the choice of how to shape their reproductive organ within the timing of puberty. In this actually reality I am faced with people who are repeatedly telling me and interrupting me when I need to take care of our diversity, they are telling me to stop what ever is that I am doing and telling me to do this thing for this race or that race or this religion or that religion, etc... And then they want to go out of their way to make it appear as if I can no longer distinguish the difference between what I am imagining and what is real, ironically. Mixed children tend to say one thing but mean something entirely different, because it isn't clear who is telling the truth and who is lying without an ethical standard that is agreed a upon. It appears that the differences and similarities of the ethics contained in these books: the Scientology Handbook, the Bible's 10 Commandments, and the pledge allegiance are helping to clarify what the truth is for our infinite breeding patterns. It is possible that this "Construction Specifications Writing: Principles and Procedure" book would help as well. In another parallel reality where those specifications and zoning requirements were already in place and the military let you choose both combat arms specialty job combined with another specialty job such as marching band jobs. I would've toured with Kenny G, Lenny Kravitz, and Color Me Bad(but in this reality Color Me Bad would have been called Color Me In). I tried to tour with Michael Bolton and Jodeci, but for some reason it wasn't working out. BoyzIIMen and Michael Bolton worked together better. The End. Epilogue : Me, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, and Lenny Kravitz worked on a couple albums together with one feature song that included Sarah McLachlan and Michael Bolton. Jodeci and "Color Me In" would have joined together and formed a group called Color Me Black.
A worst-case scenario type of parallel reality is when a black couple and a white couple marry in a double-dating wedding to represent raising families with racial equality. The black woman or white man in the marriage gets shot to death in the line of duty or poisoned to death by racist medications. The 3 people who are left in these marriages get wrongfully arrested with accusation of being in a 3-person polygamous marriage. While in another reality, like the one we are in now, has someone who is reporting possible parallel realities has their immediate family being targeted and murdered by some A.I. program just because they failed to report the parallel reality or the A.I. program has misinterpreted their reporting as a premediated potential crime. I just unintentionally invented the plot to a sequel to Minority Report. Rest in peace mother, daughter, aunt and mom's boyfriend. Rest in peace ex-fiancé, and ex-fiancé's parents. Some type of combination of racism and sexism based on how many people are married together, whether they are married or not, whether they are married to a man, a woman, an intersex, and/or a different race gaslighted, spied, covertly lied, stole identities, kidnapped, killed and possibly murdered most of my immediate family. It was as if that the whole intention was to give me the worst-case-scenario like the first part of the "Book of Job" in the Bible. Is this "past life" karma to justify abuse? The belief in the possibility of parallel realities appears to give more possible solutions to the problems we face whereas the belief in "past lives" seems to justify wrong doing in some cases. That is the reason why I feel it is important that a religion gives its members the choice of whether or not to believe in reincarnation, parallel realities, or one-life-to-live. The belief in parallel realities was and still is relatively new to people. The balance of power that having members of a religion believe in either reincarnation, parallel realities, or one-life-to-live can create harmony within each other and our peoples, because one-life-to-live is similar to the executive branch of a democracy, reincarnation is similar to the judicial branch of a democracy, and parallel realities is similar to the legislative branch of a democracy. The closest form of this religious make-up would be an interfaith arrangement of Catholicism(one-life-to-live), Scientology(reincarnation), L.D.S. Church, agnosticism, Healing Tao, and other scientific, philosophical or religious organizations(parallel realities). Although the term "reincarnation" may have to change to "genetically perpendicular realities" or "genetically connected realities" and the term "parallel realities" may need to change to "simulated realities" otherwise someone may feel like firing the legislative and judicial branches of our government. Simulated best-case scenario and worst-case scenario realities of one-on-one dating and double-dating can save peoples lives and relationships. Studies on one-on-one dating and double-dating should be taught in schools around the world. Maybe some eugenic supremacists governments spied on our government and my family to give me and my single-parent mother and my daughter one of the worst-case scenarios to try and discourage mixed races single-parenting and freedom of religion. The cold war has never ended, but the name of it may have changed to espionage-based eugenic wars between race, gender, and religious marriage perspectives of different legal or illegal monopolies. We need to minimize the causalities in this cold espionage/eugenic war by directing law enforcement, social services, and medical industry with specific guidelines that is why in reality there are 2 genders with a possible third gender being intersex.
"Are six-fingered intersex peoples considered birth defects or some type of ancient genetic engineering?
So, there should be 10 [changed to 12]days at the beginning of every month and 2 or 3 days at the end of the month to celebrate gender and orientation diversity:
10 days to celebrate gender diversity:
[changed to
12 days to celebrate racial, gender and human sexuality equality and
10 famous orientation categories]:
1. famous women who are heterosexual
2. famous women who are mostly heterosexual
3. famous women who are mostly homosexual
4. famous women who are homosexual
[famous intersex people - Google Search]
5. famous intersex who are feminine (pronoun she-ish/her-ish or this/that person/person's)
[ similar but not exact examples link: Tallest woman or Family of 14 who all have six fingers and six toes ]
6. famous intersex who are masculine (pronoun he-ish/him-ish or this/that person/person's)
[If you are born incapable of giving birth after puberty than you are probably mostly masculine. The man with the most fingers ]
7. famous men who are homosexual
8. famous men who are mostly homosexual
9 famous men who are mostly heterosexual
10. famous men who are heterosexual
Confusing the word "gender" for the word "personality" does not help, because the word crossdresser, male, female, and intersex have more clarity. There are types of advantages and disadvantages between the average male, female, and intersex. Clarity to identify as black, brown, or white combined with clarity to identify as one of the 10 famous orientation categories listed above also combined with clarity to identify as 2-person or 3-person marriage or temporary marriage should help. Clarity to identify with a native language(s) and family history also helps. Clarity to identify as curvy to straight hair and facial features could help as well. Leaving defining a gender up to psychiatric drug exploitation is criminal. Your child should be able to understand these distinctions of gender, race, and sexuality every month, because it should not take a college degree.
In a parallel reality the book "Gulliver's Travels" men are taught to be right-handed, women are taught to be left-handed, and intersex are taught to be ambidextrous unless you are on the east side of the island where the sun rises then the women are taught to be right-handed and the men are taught to be left-handed. In a parallel reality too much male-bashing lead to transforming men into women and aborting male children. The only way you could marry 2 women is if you turned into a women.
Biblical stable datum on gender(2 or 3 genders https://youtu.be/PVRn5UskvF4?si=SKewG21ZwsXExDNr) and sexual orientation(10 orientations https://www.youtube.com/live/qn2eucutqtY?si=M8nDBfYGHe7lWDbR):
Matthew 25:1 "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom." ["Matthew 22:36-40 New International Version 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." [Oh Night Divine(https://youtu.be/BEJmP8T07JU?si=EfRQ8xhMK5IF_ha-)] is where "A Christmas Carol" can be representing 1, 2, or 3 infinite beings; a possible Holy Mother, Holy Father, and Holy Son(Jesus Christ) or the "ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future" or the ghosts of the Magi, the three wise men.
11th day of the month celebrates same-racial marriages or civil unions, single fathers and "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. https://youtu.be/9HErRFLapu4?si=du2mUyNwaSnahLpl"
12th day of the month celebrates interracial or different-racial marriages or civil unions, single mothers and "Love your neighbor as yourself." https://youtu.be/HyTpu6BmE88?si=JndYI5bJeMX7YD3Y]
2 or 3[maybe 4] crossdressers days celebrated at the end of the month:
[Euler's Identity; "e" to the power of "i" times "pi" equals -1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%27s_identity]
1. famous intersex who are crossdressers?
(most of the time I am going to be guessing that a transgender is a homosexual crossdresser[maybe need a 4th day])
2. famous women who are crossdressers.
3. famous men who are crossdressers."
It is not always good to be positive and it is not always bad to be negative. "
The word "transgender" is being used to financially exploit innocent people into gender surgery and different hormonal "medications." At first, I thought the word "transgender" was helping people, but now I think it just exploiting people through eugenics and/or psychiatry, because instead of selling unhealthy chemical and surgery addictions you could sell healthy clothing and lotions for a possible 3 different variations of the 3 different crossdresser identities. I also disagree with some of the definitions for the words "gender" and "sex," because of the word "transgender" is being used excessively these days, we may have to modified the definition of "transgender" to having only 2 and sometimes 3 genders with 2 and sometimes 3 variations of "transgender," such as "transgender" male, female and intersex with 2 or 3 variations of those genders already listed in our educational system today. The drug industry must be deliberately creating a confusion in our education system between what the word "crossdresser" means and what the words "homosexual" or "bisexual" means by using the word "transgender" to financially exploit through the usage of false mental illnesses and legalized chemical addictions for their "medications" and reduce the population of mixed race marriages and children. The monogamy-only Nazi Eugenic extremism demonic possession of our societies makes equality more difficult than it should be. I guess a whole bunch of racist people need to make believe that "transgender" or intersex is supposed to happen more often than 3-person marriages or even 2-person interracial marriages. A transgender "Dexter" can possibly assassinate people involved in interracial double-dating, interracial families, marriages, and their crossdressers to keep them from breeding with each other and forcing monogamy-only marriages that comply with the law. Therefore monogamy-only marriage is hypocritical in some circumstances because it doesn't always allow for diversity while implying that divorce and double-dating is a crime. The option of having a 2-person marriage or 3-person marriage needs to be legal.
Fallen angels? Rising angels? Fallen demons? Rising demons? The belief that you can't mix religions may also be a way of reducing the population of mixed race marriages and children. Some police officers will help companies make people homeless while other police officers will keep people from being homeless.
What if?
Great are you, Lord
Firm Foundation
Here is an example of a possible ethical zoning fractal of the Mercy of God:
Zoning Fractal (scroll to zoom in):
Moments of Prayer, Fasting, Purification, and Meditation on this:
Prayer for Total Freedom: https://www.scientology.org/what-is-scientology/scientology-religious-ceremonies/a-prayer-for-total-freedom.html
Repeated from another of my posts:
"...celebrate a "black, white, and brown" history season where we can forgive but don't forget what to do to achieve racial, gender, and human sexuality equality("Keep Your Head Up" Tupac [https://genius.com/2pac-keep-ya-head-up-lyrics])."
"We may need other "Caress" seasons for summer("black"), winter("white") and autumn("brown")."
It is possible that there is no "white," or "brown" history so that covert eugenics can still be used on interracial mixed families. There will be words like Latino/Hispanic/Indian or Asian/Arab as covert operatives for "white" and/or "black" supremacists and possibly "brown" supremacists too. "White" people believing that they are so supreme to other races that they don't need a "white" season history is covert eugenics. There are Latino/Hispanic/Indian or Asian/Arab speaking people in "black, white, and brown" races.
We may need a "black-white-brown" marriages, divorces, and dating history season in spring(Irish Spring Freckles); "black" marriage, divorce, and dating history season in summer; "white" marriage, divorce, and dating history season in winter; and "brown" marriage, divorce, and dating history season in autumn. Spend time teaching each history season and review the history seasons annually that are having the most discrimination against so that police, attorneys, social workers, teachers, reporters, and doctors can keep the peace by giving tests to citizens as a part of filing taxes. Police, attorneys, social workers, teachers, reporters and doctors can help you resolve any unnecessary discrimination against you by looking at your housing, one-on-one dating, double-dating, and/or marriage contracts. Scientology is helpful to resolve any misunderstood words on your contracts. All contracts of this nature should be allowed a grace period of at least 24 hours if not more before the contract is in effect after signing it. Once the 24 hours or more time has passed the contract is signed and notarized by all parties again. Contracts must include said beneficiaries and child custody agreements. Dating contracts are a maximum of 3 months and a minimum of 3 days and are usually 3 weeks. Marriage contracts are a minimum of 3 years and are usually for the rest of your life. It is racially easier to have double or triple weddings of each race on the solstice or equinox to correspond with relative racial equality family structuring.
This is a tour of an Eco Society on YouTube.com video link for http://play.eco and https://strangloopgames.com where the Toastmasters International -Find a Club can be developed through Zoom meetings. I can text you the zoom link on my Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/302164577093629/ where my phone number is in the description. In this game we can also play "Catch the one-on-one-dating-only extremists, double-dating-only extremists, 2-person-marriage-only extremists, 3-person-marriage-only extremists, heterosexual-marriage only extremists, homosexual-marriage-only extremists, bi-sexual-only-marriage extremists, temporary-marriage-only extremists, permanent-marriage-only extremists, interracial-racial-or-different-racial-marriage-only extremists, same-racial-marriage-only extremists, and send them back to their reality."
The later half of autumn and all of winter could be under the control of the Holy Father. All of summer and the first half of autumn could be controlled the Holy Mother. Jesus Christ could have control over Spring. "In the New Testament, for example, we read of Stephen’s final testimony at his martyrdom. Said he, “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.” -The Father and the Son
Lord's Prayer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord%27s_Prayer
Repeated from another of my posts:
"Christian Holy Communion(Matthew 26:26-28) with the Lord's Prayer(Matthew 6:9-13):
1ST SATURDAY OR SUNDAY of the Month uses Water for the blood of Jesus with unleavened bread for the flesh of Jesus and "Forgives us of our debts as we forgive those who debt against us"
[This variation of the "Lord's Prayer" expresses my belief that if the Lord can move mountains and create man and woman that this Lord can shapeshift into a Lady, therefore the "Lady's Prayer" variation:] https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx1Xtg_yhDrIeelGSAQeDQI9lhPnsMYwYf?si=gEZbCzmlo3Ou3SnT
[Usually L.D.S. Church Sacrament and Baptism with Prophet Russell Marion Nelson and Universal Healing Tao System
“And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen” 2 Nephi 31:21
"Tao (The Laws of the Universe) can be talked about, but not the Eternal Tao (Laws of the Universe).
Names can be named, but not the Eternal Name.
(You cannot name the unknown.)
As the origin of heaven-and-earth, it is not describable:
As "the Mother" of all things, it is describable.
(You cannot describe the unknown origin.)
As it is always hidden,
We should look at its Inner Sum and Substance (through philosophy and poetry):
As always visible,
We should look at its Outer Form (through science and observation).
These two flow from the same source (the Laws of the Universe), though differently named;
And both are called mysteries.
The Mystery of mysteries is the Gate of all sum and substance.
(Beyond the gate of experience is the Way.
It is in all ways greater and more subtle than the world.)" - https://www.mobilewords.pro/Tao/trottier.htm
https://youtu.be/XW--IGAfeas?si=LRx4889BU3FtrqTa It is hard to believe that there can be so much racial, gender, marriage and double-dating discrimination to the extent that you won't even know that you need to complain about it before you have ever been born. It is important to disrupt illegal monopolies by promoting the seasonal and racial balancing of one-on-one dating less often and double-dating more often so that there are less racist arranged marriages.]
2ND SATURDAY OR SUNDAY of the Month uses Water or Juice for the blood of Jesus with unleavened bread for the flesh of Jesus and "Forgives us of our mistakes as we forgive those who make mistakes against us"
https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxRFMejfnROx7jHGuFTt4T-ZL12TzXRI1l?si=MEFETpaMxkb89rG_ "
[Usually Scientology Sunday Service with course room activities, and scientific organizations
Planetary Society News and the Jinn Particle]
Repeated from another of my posts:
"3RD SATURDAY OR SUNDAY of the Month uses Wine or Juice for the blood of Jesus with leavened bread for the flesh of Jesus and "Forgives us of our sins as we forgive those who sin against us""
[This day of the month is where you customize your prayer, meditation, affirmations, and purification with the thought of forgiveness of sins. Usually varies from different denominations of churches, religions and Toastmasters groups]
Prayers can be guided by 3 angels. "It's Yours." Lyrics "It's Yours."
I'd started to go to the 7th Day Adventist Church services sometimes too because of the "Message of the 3 angels" and "maundy communion" but the prophecy about the Catholic Church appeared to make my Catholic/Spiritualism family persecuted. I don't know if all 7th Day Adventists would do that though or if any of the 7th Day Adventist Church members would do that but their prophecy doesn't appear to be Catholic or Spiritualism friendly. It is more likely that my family was persecuted by covert eugenicists but I don't really feel like taking my chances with their belief. I may have wrote something similar to this before while trying to determine what religion to believe and removed it which could be part of the reason that my family was persecuted. I guess one form of identity theft is to kill the people that care about me and pretend like I am doing it. Maybe Unitarian Universalism is covert eugenics with their belief in "The right to die with dignity" and abortion? 3-person interracial or mixed racial breeding and single-parenting families are being euthanized by the idea that homosexuals can get married but not the mostly homosexual or mostly heterosexual 3-person marriages let alone strictly heterosexual 3-person marriages. Racists lesbians are deliberately depreciating single-parent fatherhood. There are no known single-parent father U.S. presidents. Since there is too much living wage income and data being withheld from me, whether I am being considered "working" or not, I have to make that assumption of single-parent families are being euthanized by depreciating single-parent fatherhood. Because of there being a negative stereo type against single-parenting let alone mixed-races single parenting, it should be taught in schools that it is ok to aspire to be a single-parent yet they are teaching that it is ok to aspire to be transgender which further confuses and bewilders single-parents and their children while simultaneously convicting single-parenting of abusive stereo types against them and their children especially if they have parents from different races. The only remedy I can think of is to create single-parent or aspiring single-parent double-dating between potential and/or existing mothers and fathers local matchmaking service by school district that is free from prostitution. Sex is not the only part of breeding. There is breast feeding by women and increasing the quality aspect of our birthrate by men by fathering the distinction from birth defects and birth enhancements while the women increase quality of life expectancy by mothering the food, water and air quality nutrition. This may be done in reverse where the men and women switch roles based on the age of the child if necessary. Birth defects can come from too much genetic diversity or too much genetic similarity where birth enhancements can come from just enough genetic diversity or just enough genetic similarity. Someone may have also created some telekinetic/electromagnetic technology to wake me up at night to invalidate me. It appears that someone was trying to get me to believe in Unitarian Universalism through Eckankar. Eckankar was replaced by Zen Buddhism in Unitarian Universalism but they finally had a "black" face to lead their church. Both "black" and "white" people need to make "brown" people look like they are being racists against themselves. Most Unitarian Universalists have a strong belief in getting a college degree. It is difficult to customize my belief with Unitarian Universalism's BYOT(Build Your Own Theology) if the majority of Unitarian Universalists don't agree with Scientology, Catholicism, and the L.D.S. Church. Although there may be some Unitarian Universalists that agree with me. So I mostly agree with the parts of Unitarian Universalism, Scientology, Catholicism, and L.D.S. Church that actually agree with each other. Because of the healthy vegan food beliefs of the 7th Day Adventist Church, I maybe able to fit in the parts of the 7th Day Adventist Church too, but the list would go on and on and on and on and on.... It is possible that we may need more interfaith health resorts like Optimum Health Institute(Testimony), Freewinds.org(Testimony), Tao Garden(Testimony), and Balance For Life Florida(Testimony) to mitigate the persecution from covert eugenicists. I don't know how interfaith this health resort is. "The religious society of friends" sounds interfaith though. We may need 3 more Freewinds.org cruise ships; 1 for the Mediterranean Sea and Europe, another for Taiwan and Singapore, and another for Madagascar and South Africa after we build the rest of the ideal orgs in the U.S. The members of our family that we've lost to unnecessary deaths can now be prevented with more access to health resorts and 3 to 4 weeks a year of time to recover from the toxic environments we are exposed to. Optimum Health Institute and Scientology can literarily be in the same boat of the Freewinds.org. The United Nations' country leaders of each nation could help each country sponsor the building of a Freewinds.org boat that could include Tao Garden(Eastern Religions), Scientology, and Optimum Health Institute for many denominations of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Worst case scenario, an illegal monopoly could invent a virus by genetically modifying the flu around the year of 2019 or 2025 and call it the COVID19 or COVID25 and create more illegal monopolies by crashing the stock market until everyone is dependent on vaccines, processed foods, and legalized drug addictions. Illegal monopolies could be based on race, religion, and gender. Since it is too difficult to determine which religion a person is because no one can be 100% Christian or whatever religious identity you choose because no one is 100% perfect, we will determine an illegal monopoly based on your marriage, one-on-one dating, and double-dating status for each race and gender. We are so imperfect that a perfect being would have to make a sacrifice of their perfection to save us from our imperfection. That is the perceptual paradox of perfect imperfection with imperfect perfection or imperfect perfection with perfect imperfection. The illegal monopoly is created when someone is being greedy on housing, food, and human breeding service needs. It is typical that because someone has idolized a particular race, gender/sex, and marriage/one-on-one dating/double-dating status that they may create an illegal monopoly. I am guessing that these correlate with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and also correlate with processed foods, legalized drug addictions, and vaccines. Rest in peace family that was persecuted by the COVID19 both directly and indirectly and I pray for those who are still dealing with the effects of the COVID19. I am hoping to attend a WritersOfTheFuture.com group auditing or Toastmasters public speaking writing group therapy specifically for parents and aspiring parents at a local library. If some monogamy-extremists murder your family because of how much hatred that they have for racial diversity that just means that they could have had that much love and had made 3-person interracial marriages legal. I am sad at people's monogamy-only-extremism because it makes me feel like a potential girlfriend is dying. Essentially, I believe my mostly female immediate family was killed before we could discover that there would need to be aspiring single fatherhood taught in schools, aspiring 3-person marriages taught in schools, and the balancing between races' and genders' homeownership within desegregation zoning housing. Lord save us from covert eugenicists and keep them from stealing our identities and our lives from us with their false housing, homelessness, false mental illnesses, "optional" surgeries and false arrests. The justified fear of God that homosexual marriages is wrongfully replacing interracial marriages and double-dating is making me promote 3-person marriages legality. At least people who were raised by single parents should be able to double-date with each other before they get married and raise a family, which would be the compromise if 3-person marriages were never made legal. Eugenics practices condemn potential sperm donors while simultaneously promotes blood and plasma donations which can make you sick, but sperm donations can make you healthy if you have a too much of a high sperm count from the growth hormones in foods. Eugenics practices also uses espionage based gaslighting, bad publicity and false accusations to make interracial families seem inferior especially if they were not married. Eugenics practices determines what other people's past lives were using racism and sexism. Making the distinction between necessary race and sex discrimination and racism and sexism is not always easy to do. Monogamy-only or polygamy-only breeding practices may also be a part of eugenics racism/sexism- then there is a pattern of keeping breeding rights (financially and emotionally) from each other to accuse each other of creating unnecessary birth-defects and accuse or falsely accuse each other of sexist/racist eugenics practices. There are false mental illnesses; some that promote breeding and others that dissuade breeding. Law enforcement eugenicists continuously fail to investigate the crimes that are committed against people to deprive them of a living wage and housing while promoting the idea of false mental illnesses to cover up crimes against those people as hallucinations. If you believe that psychiatry is mostly fake, then as soon you try to report those crimes they already have plans to commit another crime against you or your family members. It is easier to learn from people who have a fully vested interest in the well-being of our people through housing, friends and family. It is easier for me to trust a Christian Scientologist, Jewish Scientologist, or a Muslim Scientologist who teaches at a college. It probably would be the easiest for me to trust a career counselor and/or social worker who helps me report the news and investigate living wage opportunities.
I made another custom variation of "the Lord's Prayer" of the words "Appreciate our achievements as we appreciate those who make achievements for us." rather than the "Forgive us of our..." I think I put it somewhere on my Facebook page at http://JasonFitzgerald.info
Customized Catholic Rosary:
Our Father: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us of our trespasses, debts, and sins as we forgive those who trespass, debt, and sin against us and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Hail Mary: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Lord bless our space, time, and achievements as we appreciate those who make space, time, and achievements for us. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Daughter of God, and from the Divine Will of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Glory Be: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Repeated from another or my posts:
"4TH SATURDAY OR SUNDAY of the Month uses Wine for the blood of Jesus with leavened bread for the flesh of Jesus and "Forgives us of our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us" https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxObwVrD16hZY2pBtTUHEG5Ys1oQjz-L-0?si=3fJiY3zhbAy4MhhF
[Usually Catholic Churches] "Triangle Dance" Grape Treading and Maundy. "John 2 | Jesus Turns Water into Wine" where green grapes represent "white" winter season, purple grapes represent "black" summer season, and red grapes represent "brown" autumn season.
Some people are so different from each other that one person's sinner could be another person's saint.
In the spring on Easter, Jesus Christ appreciated humanity so much that he died on the cross and was resurrected to display forgiveness of our debts, mistakes, sins, and trespasses of all the seasons of "Black, Brown, White, and Black-Brown-White" marriages and families.
"Show me the Way" Dennis DeYoung - Wikipedia
The Communion Rite:
The New American Bible - IntraText
This is my confession of faith and interfaith in an infinite being that most people that I know of call God with possibly
3 heavens, a spirit world or dream world or purgatory, and a hell or place of experiencing never ending unnecessary suffering. These beliefs were discovered through mostly agnosticism, Catholicism, L.D.S. Church, and Scientology. More specifically, the 3 heavens consist of a lower heaven of one-on-one dating, a middle heaven of marriage and single-parenting, and a higher heaven of double dating either while being single, a single parent, or married because the birthrate is higher in the highest heaven. Celibate monks, priests, and nuns can celibately double-date and increase our birthrate and our life expectancy by adopting children and taking care of the elderly.
This is my acknowledgement in the usage of the scientific method in agnosticism, Planetary Society, Toastmasters Public Speaking, M.U.F.O.N., Eckankar, A.T.O.M., Parapsychology, Universal Healing Tao System, Unitarian Universalism["The Man Who Knew Infinity"] and EveryWay.org that we may reveal more and more physical evidence of the 3 heavens and the infinite being most of us call God.
I give thanks and appreciation to those individuals who supported me in making these webpages and helped me make friends and family.
I give thanks and appreciation to God, the infinite being by participating in tax return/escrow health resorts as an alternative to food benefits, Catholic Church, L.D.S. Church, and Scientology Church Services.
(Was that why my food benefits were reduced? So I would type that again? If this wasn't stolen from me to begin with I would have written it again a lot sooner because I wouldn't have had to remember it and I could have wrote it with my family while they were alive. Maybe me and my family were knowingly and unknowingly suffering from racism and sexism against us because of our diverse beliefs. If I am not being an unofficial investigative security guard, attorney, and a reporter while getting paid less than a living wage all-at-the-same-time, then me and my deceased family must be even more deprived? What a ridiculously abusive way to invalidate a family. Trying to transfer my 63-year-old mother to a nursing home/rehabilitation center and health resort through social services was unsuccessful and heartbreaking and the F.B.I. won't hire. There is weird covert espionage false judgements against F.B.I.'s own American citizens sometimes by corporate oligarchy that uses A.I. within our communication devices to covertly and/or overtly take and/or withhold wealth and living wage income opportunities from our citizens. The thought of anarchy, potential wives aborting their children, and deliberate medical malpractice on police officers can create undue stress. It would be much easier on police officers to calculate the desegregation zoning and have racial and gender equality classes for crime prevention. On a more positive note, I am glad I was able to experience a partial visit to a health resort. I just wish my mother, my aunt, and my daughter could have too, among a few other people. It is possible that some racists rednecks(or other racism from other races) want people to believe that interracial breeding causes birth-defects and not incest, so they killed my family for leaving the Lot family belief in the Bible and becoming interracial. This is probably part of the reason that homosexual marriages became legal without 3-person marriages also becoming legal. I still don't really quite understand why homosexual marriages needed to be legalized. Maybe genetic science should be a part of elementary school curriculum? Maybe in biblical days the difference between interracial breeding and interspecies breeding was difficult to distinguish and minimizing the hell of breeding birth defects deformities or rather disfunctions was not as easy? I could predict the interreligious and interracial discrimination and sabotage but could not do anything about it since there were too many races and religions involved in participating in doing the sabotage. Uncooperative and dysfunctional competitions between different races can cause self-destructive wars. Cooperative and functional competitions can cause Olympic games types of feats of engineering and civilization expansion. My daughter may still be alive if social services provided a rental assistance program that paid for parking and car insurance. We will never be truly certain if my daughter needed corrective measures or the police officer(s) needed corrective measures. Because of when you can't get the police to investigate or the F.B.I. to investigate all you have left is prayer groups, group auditing, and friends/families news reporting. I would expect to be able to make friends in the process of finding the "one" person to marry, not enemies or thieves. Lives matter. There will always be No answer to some questions. I encourage people to make the best out of what you got. Relationships matter)
Prayer for Total Freedom: https://www.scientology.org/what-is-scientology/scientology-religious-ceremonies/a-prayer-for-total-freedom.html
Repeated from another of my posts:
"...celebrate a "black, white, and brown" history season where we can forgive but don't forget what to do to achieve racial, gender, and human sexuality equality("Keep Your Head Up" Tupac [https://genius.com/2pac-keep-ya-head-up-lyrics])."
"We may need other "Caress" seasons for summer("black"), winter("white") and autumn("brown")."
It is possible that there is no "white," or "brown" history so that covert eugenics can still be used on interracial mixed families. There will be words like Latino/Hispanic/Indian or Asian/Arab as covert operatives for "white" and/or "black" supremacists and possibly "brown" supremacists too. "White" people believing that they are so supreme to other races that they don't need a "white" season history is covert eugenics. There are Latino/Hispanic/Indian or Asian/Arab speaking people in "black, white, and brown" races.
We may need a "black-white-brown" marriages, divorces, and dating history season in spring(Irish Spring Freckles); "black" marriage, divorce, and dating history season in summer; "white" marriage, divorce, and dating history season in winter; and "brown" marriage, divorce, and dating history season in autumn. Spend time teaching each history season and review the history seasons annually that are having the most discrimination against so that police, attorneys, social workers, teachers, reporters, and doctors can keep the peace by giving tests to citizens as a part of filing taxes. Police, attorneys, social workers, teachers, reporters and doctors can help you resolve any unnecessary discrimination against you by looking at your housing, one-on-one dating, double-dating, and/or marriage contracts. Scientology is helpful to resolve any misunderstood words on your contracts. All contracts of this nature should be allowed a grace period of at least 24 hours if not more before the contract is in effect after signing it. Once the 24 hours or more time has passed the contract is signed and notarized by all parties again. Contracts must include said beneficiaries and child custody agreements. Dating contracts are a maximum of 3 months and a minimum of 3 days and are usually 3 weeks. Marriage contracts are a minimum of 3 years and are usually for the rest of your life. It is racially easier to have double or triple weddings of each race on the solstice or equinox to correspond with relative racial equality family structuring.
This is a tour of an Eco Society on YouTube.com video link for http://play.eco and https://strangloopgames.com where the Toastmasters International -Find a Club can be developed through Zoom meetings. I can text you the zoom link on my Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/302164577093629/ where my phone number is in the description. In this game we can also play "Catch the one-on-one-dating-only extremists, double-dating-only extremists, 2-person-marriage-only extremists, 3-person-marriage-only extremists, heterosexual-marriage only extremists, homosexual-marriage-only extremists, bi-sexual-only-marriage extremists, temporary-marriage-only extremists, permanent-marriage-only extremists, interracial-racial-or-different-racial-marriage-only extremists, same-racial-marriage-only extremists, and send them back to their reality."
The later half of autumn and all of winter could be under the control of the Holy Father. All of summer and the first half of autumn could be controlled the Holy Mother. Jesus Christ could have control over Spring. "In the New Testament, for example, we read of Stephen’s final testimony at his martyrdom. Said he, “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.” -The Father and the Son
Lord's Prayer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord%27s_Prayer
Repeated from another of my posts:
"Christian Holy Communion(Matthew 26:26-28) with the Lord's Prayer(Matthew 6:9-13):
1ST SATURDAY OR SUNDAY of the Month uses Water for the blood of Jesus with unleavened bread for the flesh of Jesus and "Forgives us of our debts as we forgive those who debt against us"
[This variation of the "Lord's Prayer" expresses my belief that if the Lord can move mountains and create man and woman that this Lord can shapeshift into a Lady, therefore the "Lady's Prayer" variation:] https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx1Xtg_yhDrIeelGSAQeDQI9lhPnsMYwYf?si=gEZbCzmlo3Ou3SnT
[Usually L.D.S. Church Sacrament and Baptism with Prophet Russell Marion Nelson and Universal Healing Tao System
“And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen” 2 Nephi 31:21
"Tao (The Laws of the Universe) can be talked about, but not the Eternal Tao (Laws of the Universe).
Names can be named, but not the Eternal Name.
(You cannot name the unknown.)
As the origin of heaven-and-earth, it is not describable:
As "the Mother" of all things, it is describable.
(You cannot describe the unknown origin.)
As it is always hidden,
We should look at its Inner Sum and Substance (through philosophy and poetry):
As always visible,
We should look at its Outer Form (through science and observation).
These two flow from the same source (the Laws of the Universe), though differently named;
And both are called mysteries.
The Mystery of mysteries is the Gate of all sum and substance.
(Beyond the gate of experience is the Way.
It is in all ways greater and more subtle than the world.)" - https://www.mobilewords.pro/Tao/trottier.htm
https://youtu.be/XW--IGAfeas?si=LRx4889BU3FtrqTa It is hard to believe that there can be so much racial, gender, marriage and double-dating discrimination to the extent that you won't even know that you need to complain about it before you have ever been born. It is important to disrupt illegal monopolies by promoting the seasonal and racial balancing of one-on-one dating less often and double-dating more often so that there are less racist arranged marriages.]
2ND SATURDAY OR SUNDAY of the Month uses Water or Juice for the blood of Jesus with unleavened bread for the flesh of Jesus and "Forgives us of our mistakes as we forgive those who make mistakes against us"
https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxRFMejfnROx7jHGuFTt4T-ZL12TzXRI1l?si=MEFETpaMxkb89rG_ "
[Usually Scientology Sunday Service with course room activities, and scientific organizations
Planetary Society News and the Jinn Particle]
Repeated from another of my posts:
"3RD SATURDAY OR SUNDAY of the Month uses Wine or Juice for the blood of Jesus with leavened bread for the flesh of Jesus and "Forgives us of our sins as we forgive those who sin against us""
[This day of the month is where you customize your prayer, meditation, affirmations, and purification with the thought of forgiveness of sins. Usually varies from different denominations of churches, religions and Toastmasters groups]
Prayers can be guided by 3 angels. "It's Yours." Lyrics "It's Yours."
I'd started to go to the 7th Day Adventist Church services sometimes too because of the "Message of the 3 angels" and "maundy communion" but the prophecy about the Catholic Church appeared to make my Catholic/Spiritualism family persecuted. I don't know if all 7th Day Adventists would do that though or if any of the 7th Day Adventist Church members would do that but their prophecy doesn't appear to be Catholic or Spiritualism friendly. It is more likely that my family was persecuted by covert eugenicists but I don't really feel like taking my chances with their belief. I may have wrote something similar to this before while trying to determine what religion to believe and removed it which could be part of the reason that my family was persecuted. I guess one form of identity theft is to kill the people that care about me and pretend like I am doing it. Maybe Unitarian Universalism is covert eugenics with their belief in "The right to die with dignity" and abortion? 3-person interracial or mixed racial breeding and single-parenting families are being euthanized by the idea that homosexuals can get married but not the mostly homosexual or mostly heterosexual 3-person marriages let alone strictly heterosexual 3-person marriages. Racists lesbians are deliberately depreciating single-parent fatherhood. There are no known single-parent father U.S. presidents. Since there is too much living wage income and data being withheld from me, whether I am being considered "working" or not, I have to make that assumption of single-parent families are being euthanized by depreciating single-parent fatherhood. Because of there being a negative stereo type against single-parenting let alone mixed-races single parenting, it should be taught in schools that it is ok to aspire to be a single-parent yet they are teaching that it is ok to aspire to be transgender which further confuses and bewilders single-parents and their children while simultaneously convicting single-parenting of abusive stereo types against them and their children especially if they have parents from different races. The only remedy I can think of is to create single-parent or aspiring single-parent double-dating between potential and/or existing mothers and fathers local matchmaking service by school district that is free from prostitution. Sex is not the only part of breeding. There is breast feeding by women and increasing the quality aspect of our birthrate by men by fathering the distinction from birth defects and birth enhancements while the women increase quality of life expectancy by mothering the food, water and air quality nutrition. This may be done in reverse where the men and women switch roles based on the age of the child if necessary. Birth defects can come from too much genetic diversity or too much genetic similarity where birth enhancements can come from just enough genetic diversity or just enough genetic similarity. Someone may have also created some telekinetic/electromagnetic technology to wake me up at night to invalidate me. It appears that someone was trying to get me to believe in Unitarian Universalism through Eckankar. Eckankar was replaced by Zen Buddhism in Unitarian Universalism but they finally had a "black" face to lead their church. Both "black" and "white" people need to make "brown" people look like they are being racists against themselves. Most Unitarian Universalists have a strong belief in getting a college degree. It is difficult to customize my belief with Unitarian Universalism's BYOT(Build Your Own Theology) if the majority of Unitarian Universalists don't agree with Scientology, Catholicism, and the L.D.S. Church. Although there may be some Unitarian Universalists that agree with me. So I mostly agree with the parts of Unitarian Universalism, Scientology, Catholicism, and L.D.S. Church that actually agree with each other. Because of the healthy vegan food beliefs of the 7th Day Adventist Church, I maybe able to fit in the parts of the 7th Day Adventist Church too, but the list would go on and on and on and on and on.... It is possible that we may need more interfaith health resorts like Optimum Health Institute(Testimony), Freewinds.org(Testimony), Tao Garden(Testimony), and Balance For Life Florida(Testimony) to mitigate the persecution from covert eugenicists. I don't know how interfaith this health resort is. "The religious society of friends" sounds interfaith though. We may need 3 more Freewinds.org cruise ships; 1 for the Mediterranean Sea and Europe, another for Taiwan and Singapore, and another for Madagascar and South Africa after we build the rest of the ideal orgs in the U.S. The members of our family that we've lost to unnecessary deaths can now be prevented with more access to health resorts and 3 to 4 weeks a year of time to recover from the toxic environments we are exposed to. Optimum Health Institute and Scientology can literarily be in the same boat of the Freewinds.org. The United Nations' country leaders of each nation could help each country sponsor the building of a Freewinds.org boat that could include Tao Garden(Eastern Religions), Scientology, and Optimum Health Institute for many denominations of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Worst case scenario, an illegal monopoly could invent a virus by genetically modifying the flu around the year of 2019 or 2025 and call it the COVID19 or COVID25 and create more illegal monopolies by crashing the stock market until everyone is dependent on vaccines, processed foods, and legalized drug addictions. Illegal monopolies could be based on race, religion, and gender. Since it is too difficult to determine which religion a person is because no one can be 100% Christian or whatever religious identity you choose because no one is 100% perfect, we will determine an illegal monopoly based on your marriage, one-on-one dating, and double-dating status for each race and gender. We are so imperfect that a perfect being would have to make a sacrifice of their perfection to save us from our imperfection. That is the perceptual paradox of perfect imperfection with imperfect perfection or imperfect perfection with perfect imperfection. The illegal monopoly is created when someone is being greedy on housing, food, and human breeding service needs. It is typical that because someone has idolized a particular race, gender/sex, and marriage/one-on-one dating/double-dating status that they may create an illegal monopoly. I am guessing that these correlate with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and also correlate with processed foods, legalized drug addictions, and vaccines. Rest in peace family that was persecuted by the COVID19 both directly and indirectly and I pray for those who are still dealing with the effects of the COVID19. I am hoping to attend a WritersOfTheFuture.com group auditing or Toastmasters public speaking writing group therapy specifically for parents and aspiring parents at a local library. If some monogamy-extremists murder your family because of how much hatred that they have for racial diversity that just means that they could have had that much love and had made 3-person interracial marriages legal. I am sad at people's monogamy-only-extremism because it makes me feel like a potential girlfriend is dying. Essentially, I believe my mostly female immediate family was killed before we could discover that there would need to be aspiring single fatherhood taught in schools, aspiring 3-person marriages taught in schools, and the balancing between races' and genders' homeownership within desegregation zoning housing. Lord save us from covert eugenicists and keep them from stealing our identities and our lives from us with their false housing, homelessness, false mental illnesses, "optional" surgeries and false arrests. The justified fear of God that homosexual marriages is wrongfully replacing interracial marriages and double-dating is making me promote 3-person marriages legality. At least people who were raised by single parents should be able to double-date with each other before they get married and raise a family, which would be the compromise if 3-person marriages were never made legal. Eugenics practices condemn potential sperm donors while simultaneously promotes blood and plasma donations which can make you sick, but sperm donations can make you healthy if you have a too much of a high sperm count from the growth hormones in foods. Eugenics practices also uses espionage based gaslighting, bad publicity and false accusations to make interracial families seem inferior especially if they were not married. Eugenics practices determines what other people's past lives were using racism and sexism. Making the distinction between necessary race and sex discrimination and racism and sexism is not always easy to do. Monogamy-only or polygamy-only breeding practices may also be a part of eugenics racism/sexism- then there is a pattern of keeping breeding rights (financially and emotionally) from each other to accuse each other of creating unnecessary birth-defects and accuse or falsely accuse each other of sexist/racist eugenics practices. There are false mental illnesses; some that promote breeding and others that dissuade breeding. Law enforcement eugenicists continuously fail to investigate the crimes that are committed against people to deprive them of a living wage and housing while promoting the idea of false mental illnesses to cover up crimes against those people as hallucinations. If you believe that psychiatry is mostly fake, then as soon you try to report those crimes they already have plans to commit another crime against you or your family members. It is easier to learn from people who have a fully vested interest in the well-being of our people through housing, friends and family. It is easier for me to trust a Christian Scientologist, Jewish Scientologist, or a Muslim Scientologist who teaches at a college. It probably would be the easiest for me to trust a career counselor and/or social worker who helps me report the news and investigate living wage opportunities.
I made another custom variation of "the Lord's Prayer" of the words "Appreciate our achievements as we appreciate those who make achievements for us." rather than the "Forgive us of our..." I think I put it somewhere on my Facebook page at http://JasonFitzgerald.info
Customized Catholic Rosary:
Our Father: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us of our trespasses, debts, and sins as we forgive those who trespass, debt, and sin against us and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Hail Mary: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Lord bless our space, time, and achievements as we appreciate those who make space, time, and achievements for us. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Daughter of God, and from the Divine Will of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Glory Be: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Repeated from another or my posts:
"4TH SATURDAY OR SUNDAY of the Month uses Wine for the blood of Jesus with leavened bread for the flesh of Jesus and "Forgives us of our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us" https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxObwVrD16hZY2pBtTUHEG5Ys1oQjz-L-0?si=3fJiY3zhbAy4MhhF
[Usually Catholic Churches] "Triangle Dance" Grape Treading and Maundy. "John 2 | Jesus Turns Water into Wine" where green grapes represent "white" winter season, purple grapes represent "black" summer season, and red grapes represent "brown" autumn season.
Some people are so different from each other that one person's sinner could be another person's saint.
In the spring on Easter, Jesus Christ appreciated humanity so much that he died on the cross and was resurrected to display forgiveness of our debts, mistakes, sins, and trespasses of all the seasons of "Black, Brown, White, and Black-Brown-White" marriages and families.
"Show me the Way" Dennis DeYoung - Wikipedia
The Communion Rite:
The New American Bible - IntraText
This is my confession of faith and interfaith in an infinite being that most people that I know of call God with possibly
3 heavens, a spirit world or dream world or purgatory, and a hell or place of experiencing never ending unnecessary suffering. These beliefs were discovered through mostly agnosticism, Catholicism, L.D.S. Church, and Scientology. More specifically, the 3 heavens consist of a lower heaven of one-on-one dating, a middle heaven of marriage and single-parenting, and a higher heaven of double dating either while being single, a single parent, or married because the birthrate is higher in the highest heaven. Celibate monks, priests, and nuns can celibately double-date and increase our birthrate and our life expectancy by adopting children and taking care of the elderly.
This is my acknowledgement in the usage of the scientific method in agnosticism, Planetary Society, Toastmasters Public Speaking, M.U.F.O.N., Eckankar, A.T.O.M., Parapsychology, Universal Healing Tao System, Unitarian Universalism["The Man Who Knew Infinity"] and EveryWay.org that we may reveal more and more physical evidence of the 3 heavens and the infinite being most of us call God.
I give thanks and appreciation to those individuals who supported me in making these webpages and helped me make friends and family.
I give thanks and appreciation to God, the infinite being by participating in tax return/escrow health resorts as an alternative to food benefits, Catholic Church, L.D.S. Church, and Scientology Church Services.
(Was that why my food benefits were reduced? So I would type that again? If this wasn't stolen from me to begin with I would have written it again a lot sooner because I wouldn't have had to remember it and I could have wrote it with my family while they were alive. Maybe me and my family were knowingly and unknowingly suffering from racism and sexism against us because of our diverse beliefs. If I am not being an unofficial investigative security guard, attorney, and a reporter while getting paid less than a living wage all-at-the-same-time, then me and my deceased family must be even more deprived? What a ridiculously abusive way to invalidate a family. Trying to transfer my 63-year-old mother to a nursing home/rehabilitation center and health resort through social services was unsuccessful and heartbreaking and the F.B.I. won't hire. There is weird covert espionage false judgements against F.B.I.'s own American citizens sometimes by corporate oligarchy that uses A.I. within our communication devices to covertly and/or overtly take and/or withhold wealth and living wage income opportunities from our citizens. The thought of anarchy, potential wives aborting their children, and deliberate medical malpractice on police officers can create undue stress. It would be much easier on police officers to calculate the desegregation zoning and have racial and gender equality classes for crime prevention. On a more positive note, I am glad I was able to experience a partial visit to a health resort. I just wish my mother, my aunt, and my daughter could have too, among a few other people. It is possible that some racists rednecks(or other racism from other races) want people to believe that interracial breeding causes birth-defects and not incest, so they killed my family for leaving the Lot family belief in the Bible and becoming interracial. This is probably part of the reason that homosexual marriages became legal without 3-person marriages also becoming legal. I still don't really quite understand why homosexual marriages needed to be legalized. Maybe genetic science should be a part of elementary school curriculum? Maybe in biblical days the difference between interracial breeding and interspecies breeding was difficult to distinguish and minimizing the hell of breeding birth defects deformities or rather disfunctions was not as easy? I could predict the interreligious and interracial discrimination and sabotage but could not do anything about it since there were too many races and religions involved in participating in doing the sabotage. Uncooperative and dysfunctional competitions between different races can cause self-destructive wars. Cooperative and functional competitions can cause Olympic games types of feats of engineering and civilization expansion. My daughter may still be alive if social services provided a rental assistance program that paid for parking and car insurance. We will never be truly certain if my daughter needed corrective measures or the police officer(s) needed corrective measures. Because of when you can't get the police to investigate or the F.B.I. to investigate all you have left is prayer groups, group auditing, and friends/families news reporting. I would expect to be able to make friends in the process of finding the "one" person to marry, not enemies or thieves. Lives matter. There will always be No answer to some questions. I encourage people to make the best out of what you got. Relationships matter)